How to acid wash a concrete floor? To remove soap scum and hard water deposits from a tile wall in a bathroom , mix one part muriatic acid with five parts water. Since muriatic acid is a harsh chemical, mix it outside. Follow the warning and instructions on the bottle, and be sure to wear rubber gloves and eye protection.

Apply the mixture with a nylon scouring pad in small circles over the tile. Muriatic acid affects pool plaster as well as tile. If part of your pool is tile and part is plaster, thoroughly rinse the plaster frequently as you work to avoid inadvertently etching it while. Hydrochloric acid , also known as muriatic acid , is one of the strongest cleaners available to the average homeowner to clean Tiles or for Limestone Cleaning.
It is actually an acid and can cause damage if used improperly. To cut through bathroom grime it relies on a powerful blend of essential oils, lactic acid (a natural acid ), and lauramine oxide (a plant-derived cleaning agent ). To use, just spray on and wipe surfaces clean. It is also possible to clean ceramics tiles and joints with muriatic acid , especially in places like the bathroom which accumulate lots of lime.
To do this follow the steps above, mixing part product to parts water. Use proper protection, leave to stand for minutes and then rub with a hard brush.