Find product details, specifications and where to buy information for Greenlee Cable Pullers. HOW WE USE COOKIES: We use cookies and similar technologies to improve our website, to personalize website content to you, and to deliver advertising messages and offers on content that are relevant to you. This puller is awesome!
It is now the end of the day and my arms do not feel like they want to fall off. I highly recommend this to any electrician out there that has to pull a lot of feeders through conduit. Cable pullers are used to guide large electrical wiring and data communication cable through conduit, which protects exposed wire and cable in locations such as walls and crawlspaces.
The heavier the application, the more pulling force is required. Fish Tape Fiberglass Wire Cable Running Rod Duct Rodder Fishtape Puller 6mm $89. How do you pull a wire?
What is a come along tool? The Cannon 10K is the only 10lb. Free delivery with $order. Set your store to see local availability. We bought your Cannon 10k wire puller today and it was amazing!
It was easy to use, easy to set up and very fast in pulling the wire we had to pull. We were able to pull runs 3feet of 6MCM in nine minutes a pull. Needless to say, we were very impressed and we purchased the entire set up, puller , pull slick, rope tender and the real.