Whether you’re planning to hire a professional contractor to build a new deck or are taking the DIY route and building a deck yourself, there’s a lot of planning involved. To help you get a better ideas of the quantity and cost of materials you’ll nee as well as measurements and specifications to build your deck according to a plan, we. If your deck is slightly out of square (different widths), calculate for both widths, and set out each end to suit.

Other articles from build. A Calculator We have a variety of calculators to help you figure out the dimensions and quantities of all the different building materials you will need on your job site. The future is here. You need to calculate lineal feet to determine how much material you’ll need.
Width of Boards (feet): Necessary to determine lineal feet. How to calculate a post size for a deck? How do you determine deck post size? How far apart to put deck posts?
If your deck does not have an easily divisible length, use an online spacing calculator (see the link in the Resources section for an example). Such calculators allow you to calculate the spacing of your posts using the width of the posts , the length of the area to rail and the size of the balustrades. Starting with your perimeter, mark the location of each deck post to locate the fitting position.
In general, posts should be spaced no more than feet apart. Some builders position them every feet for a completely rigid frame. It also depends on the joist spacing.

For instance, joists that are placed inches apart must be wider than joists placed inches apart. To calculate it for a particular post , imagine a plan view of the deck (see illustration, left). Draw a line through the mid-span of the joists. Find the area within the lines. If necessary, adjust number of deck boards to match in both calculations, and see if different board gaps at each end of deck are acceptable, compared to equal gaps and cutting the last board at an angle.
As a result, the post spacings for a railing will vary as will the length of the railing section that fits between each post. Table Bcalls for a in. Use for decks above 1m in height in well ventilated area;. Thank you for using our decking calculator.

Example: a=6’, b=7’, Posting Spacing=9’ Joist size is determined by using the longest span joist (7’). DECK BUILDING CODE TIPS. Typical post size is a pressure treated 4×4.
Post spacing should be even. Once you decide the distance, measure from the house for the first row of boards. Powdercoated aluminum in colors.
Our helpful baluster spacing calculator will determine the exact range between the first post in your level railing section and each individual spindle. Giving you on-center measurements, our baluster spacing tool will help your railing meet building codes and remain symmetrical throughout. For example, we would take the 109. Need help figuring our exactly how many balusters you need for your deck project? Use our baluster calculator to figure it out!
Balusters are the vertical guards that support the handrail. Most city inspectors carry a 4-inch ball with them to test the spacing. Deck joists are typically spaced either every inches or inches on center. Typically I use the ACz post caps (right) for most decks , they handle the loads well and are easier to work with placing the heavy beams.
If you want the decking raised pick the height from the drop down box, this height is from ground to top of the deck.
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