Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Installing low voltage lighting

How do you install low voltage outdoor lighting? Can you repair low voltage lighting? Why use low voltage lighting?

Installing low voltage lighting

A transformer will be rated at a. Consider what kind of power switches the transformer has. Some transformers will have built-in timing switches to help. After you set up the transformer, plan the layout.

Depending on the style of the light , you can assemble it and. Grab a shovel and follow this step-by-step guide for installing low-voltage outdoor lighting. First, find a transformer that accommodates multiple cable connections. Install the Transformer.

Installing low voltage lighting

Mount the transformer on a post or stake or on the exterior of your house. Peel them apart so you have about inches free for each wire. Low voltage landscape lighting is a great way to add value to your home and up its curb appeal while saving you money and minimizing energy use. Then use wire strippers.

All you need to get your system installed are the right lights , the proper transformer and cables. Take one end from each of the three wires and twist the copper wire together. Make sure to twist the wire in the same direction as you are going to twist on the connector.

For most people that is clockwise. Now twist on the connector until its as tight as possible. Low-voltage landscape lights operate at volts , are safe to work with, energy efficient and easy to install and move. To install this type of system, simply follow the instructions that come with your kit.

LED landscape lights also fall into this category. Mount the 120-volt transformer to the house wall, preferably behind a shrub to make the transformer less noticeable. Stretch the low - voltage cable from the transformer to each light fixture.

Strip the ends of the. Run your LED wiring before installing your posts and railings so you can feed the wiring up through the posts. Low-voltage lights typically don’t fall under the code requirements for 120-volt wiring, though you should have a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) receptacle for the driver box as required by code for outdoor service.

Low - voltage lighting is very easy to install, as are the LED lights. For low - voltage lighting , you will need a transformer to reduce your 120-volt household current to the 12-volt current required. Most modern garden-light transformers simply plug into any handy and properly installed outdoor outlet. Slip the wires through the holes on the transformer and tighten the screws over the wire. Play with the amount the screws extend until the transformer fits flush against the wall.

Installing low voltage lighting

Leave the transformer unplugged. When laying out low voltage lighting cable choose the shortest distance possible between the transformer and the hub. It is not essential to run the cable in conduit unless it passes under sidewalks or drives.

Sleeving under these areas allows for ease of installation, maintenance or repairs. Low Voltage Landscape Lighting can enhance the features of your home’s curb appeal and create a more inviting atmosphere. There is a functional side to lighting your space.

Installing low voltage lighting

Step 1: Draw up a lighting plan. If the night is calling you, pull up a lounge chair and enjoy it from your back yard. Waterproof wire connectors are ideal for exterior low - voltage wiring.

We are using a lighting kit that comes with all the necessary components, but if you are building your own or adding to an existing kit, remember to choose a finish that matches.

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