The colors shown are intended to show the approximate color of the finish. Color will vary depending on the type selected. Application by machine spray or texturing will increase the depth of the color. As an insulated stucco assembly, LaHabra Fastwall 100-HE.
See all LaHabra Perma-Elastic Elastomeric Finish Textures. The colors are arranged by color number, starting with the smallest number first ( X-Chablis) and ending with the largest color number ( X-8Clay). Set your store to see local. The mix is ideal for jobs that do not require a full bag. Our comprehensive collection of colors offers the most beautiful choices for every stucco application.
LaHabra continues to set new standards for product quality, consistency, reliability and service. Color variation is due to the substrate, method of application, job and weather conditions, raw materials, plant batching, age and processing of stucco color chart or samples. It is a tried and true finish with a proven long-term and well documented history. Providing a variety of textures, beauty, durability, and fire-resistance properties, portland cement stucco is the obvious choice for your home. Lahabra stucco system offers a range of 1unique standard colors.
But, we know there is nothing standard about color. So, we do what is necessary to match any color you specify. Aug Our LaHabra base coats, color coats and finishes. Stucco finishes and colors.
Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Our sophisticated color lab can also produce a spectrum of custom colors. Provide us a color sample and we can match it. Large variety of Premium and Standard stucco colors and complete range of stucco and plaster products.
Request a FREE color chart. Also providing stucco color, stucco and plaster products, patching stucco , repairing exterior stucco , paint colors for bedrooms, interior paint colors , la habra stucco color, painting new stucco , painting stucco , venetian plaster colors , exterior house paint colors. Free 2-day Shipping On Millions of Items. Or to provide an all stucco home with the warmth of stone, a color such as BM Briarwood or SW Mega Greige works wonders.
If the majority of the homes in your neighborhood are beige, consider white. White is one of the best exterior paint colors for stucco as it’s timeless. Shop stucco color mix and a variety of building supplies products online at Lowes. Colors that blend with other architectural elements: One of the most crucial things to do when choosing paint colors for a stucco exterior is to consider the colors of the already existing architectural elements of the house, especially the roof. If your roof is gray, consider yellow, blue, or a contrasting shade of gray.

We stand proudly behind the legendary LaHabra service: our hallmark for over years. CoLor CHArt AppLies to stuCCo CoLor CoAt, ACryLiC And eLAstomeriC FinisHes, ALLegro ii And Fog CoAt. Lifestyles Collection colors are available for all LaHabra exterior finish and coating products. Specify product when placing order. Parex USA, Inc is a. Colors vary between computer monitors and between printers.
It is recommended to prepare and apply a sample representative of the fi nal installation and view it after it has cured for several days prior to the actual installation. It is integrally colored with fade-resistant pigments, and is economical with low maintenance. View interior and exterior paint colors and color palettes.
Get design inspiration for painting projects. For the best, most economical way to get the fresh, even colors you want, LaHabra Fog Coat is the clear choice. Fog Coat is a spray-applied Portland cement coating which cures to become an integral part of the stucco surface to which it is applied. Sto’s Classic Color Collection This is a selected group of colors from the StoColor System. New construction or renovation, every residential project poses new challenges.
LaHabra gives you a range of product options to address any surface issue – from air and water barriers to specialty finishes. They also blend materials with the stucco for special properties. In California stucco is the predominant exterior for residential and commercial construction.

Omega Products prides itself on being a leader in commercial and residential exterior stucco wall systems and finishes.
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