The 16-penny nail is probably the one most used in framing. It's ½ inches long. What length nails for stud walls? A 10d nail , on the other han is inches long, and an 8d nail is ½ inches long.
Framers also use 2d and 6d nails. Common nails have a smooth head and a wider diameter of 0. Alternatively, sinkers have a textured head and a thinner diameter of 0. When it comes to figuring out what size nails to use for framing a 2× you will want to use the sinker nails. You will need a framing nailer, which will work for building the 2xframe as well as nailing on the plywood for the walls and roof. Use 16d nails for the framing and 8d nails for the sheathing. As for siding, what are you using?
I am doing this right now also. If you plan on placing them on center, you can do some math to answer your own question. Of the two types, common nails have a diameter of 0. Answer: For 2×framing, the best is to use 3. They measure about 0. A nail gun requires particular nails to fit into its magazine.
And if the weight of a huge roll of nails didn’t turn you back, the cost for one just might. From left to right are a 16d Duplex, a 16d sinker, a 10d common, a 10d box, a 8d sinker, a 6d common, and a 6d box nail. Framing nails come in three basic styles. Sinkers, Common and Box. I framed my additions (about years ago) using 8d nails and inspector did not even look twice.
When you are nailing 2x wood together, use 10d nails at about apart. The IRC states that (2) 16d nails are needed to nail studs to the plates, why then a 3. Get Free Shipping on Qualifying Orders! Free 2-day Shipping On Millions of Items. The nail size chart below shows how they stack up against each other.

Most framers prefer to use 16d nails for framing 2x lumber including walls. If you walk in to Home Depot you might see boxes of nails labeled 16d common, 16d sinker, or 16d short. Using 16d like this, you would get ends of the nails sticking out. The same advice stands for larger 10d or 16d nails in 2xstuds or pressure treated decking or railings. You might not care if the very end of a wall stud splits slightly, but you would be miffed if you were to crack a piece of oak railing by nailing too close to the edge.
Studs: 2x: nails - In the bottom of a 2xstud we use two nails per side, opposite one another, crossing in the nailed-to member. Joist to ledger board: varies by joist depth. Project size and tool choice matter. Nail sizes are designated by (d) (penny) which was how much a hundred nails cost, by size back in. Nails are often preferred for large projects, like house framing and installing hardwood floors, because they are typically stronger and less expensive than.

Nail guns come in a variety of sizes depending on the fasteners they drive—from large-gauge framing nails for major construction work to small brads used for craft work like picture frames. Depends what is specd. I do nails per stud end in 2xand in 2xa lot of the time.
Anyhow, what’s size screw should I be getting, granted the plate wills be anchored via my brothers PATS gun.
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